速報APP / 健康塑身 / FlexVolt Viewer

FlexVolt Viewer





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



FlexVolt Viewer(圖1)-速報App

This app, along with the FlexVolt sensor (www.flexvoltbiosensor.com) makes EMG biofeedback accessible to anybody with a computer or Android device.

Samples of customer use of FlexVolt:

Physical therapy biofeedback - go through your PT routines at home and get real-time feedback. PT's like the idea of sending patients home with a biofeedback monitor, to make sure they are performing exercises correctly.

FlexVolt Viewer(圖2)-速報App

Monitor your workouts - Make sure you are not cheating with momentum, or using other muscle groups!

Relaxation training - For tense or hyperactive muscle groups, get real-time feedback on the effectiveness of your muscle relaxation training.

Biohacking - FlexVolt Hacker users have hacked their biosignals to control robotics, lights, and music. Ongoing projects include an exoskeleton and a pneumatic lift arm.

Prosthetics - Control open-hardware or home-built prosthetics using available muscle signals with FlexVolt Hacker